Tutti Frutti · école de langues pour enfants
propose une pédagogie vivante & ouverte.
Where German, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian and Dutch are spoken.
Which offers a wide range of language learning options for children: courses, language workshops, extracurricular courses in schools, bilingual nursery and elementary school.
At Tutti Frutti, children are the subjects of their own learning, and are made aware of the other language through activities that appeal to their senses.
Our active pedagogy is non-linear, non-academic; the acquisition is done in an (almost) implicit way.
Our next stages
Wolvendael magazine
Julien2024-04-15T11:16:43+00:00April 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|
The fan
Julien2024-04-15T11:15:22+00:00April 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|