Bilingual primary school

Tutti Frutti Primary, where every child grows up in harmony.

Tutti Frutti Primary School

Royal Léopold Club
Avenue Adolphe Dupuich N°42
1180 Uccle

Tel: ​​​​02 538 37 43

Bilingual primary school

Bilingual primary school

Bilingual primary? Elementary!
At Tutti Frutti, it’s possible.

In September 2022, we will be welcoming children
born in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Tutti Frutti’s classes

The bilingual primary school is organized
in two language sections

12 students per class

  • French & English

  • French & Italiano

  • French & German

IMMERSION through the exposure
to two or even three languages.

Active, lively, participatory, open and differentiated teaching methods

Multi-disciplinary, multi-sensory, creative and artistic schooling.

Tutti Frutti primaire fees price prix tarifs
Bilingual primary school
Tutti Frutti Primary is considered home schooling.
The children are registered with the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FWB ).
They will take tests organized by the FWB at P1, P3, P5 and for their CEBs at the end of the six primary years.
Tutti Frutti children are perfectly suited to joining Belgian or international education.

Tutti Frutti Primaire is a non-subsidized project. We make every effort to keep it affordable.
Of course, we also make sure that the project is viable.

Logo tutti frutti école de langue pour enfant
  • Immersion : Our sections are bilingual. Bilingualism is put into practice in both spoken and written language as early as primary 1; Each student is exposed to both languages in a balanced way, to ensure that they learn at their own pace, according to the pedagogy of our bilingual primary school. This pedagogical approach is at the heart of the company’s history. our active learning school.

    • French – German
    • French – English
  • Small classes : Each group consists of an average of 12 students. These small classes make it possible to personalize teaching, so that each student’s needs are better understood and he or she can flourish. Teaching teamwork and sociability are emphasized on a daily basis at our elementary school.

Bilingual primary school
  • Open-minded pedagogy:Openness is one of the core values of our pedagogy.
    On the one hand, our bilingual and multilingual teaching opens children up to other cultures and languages.
    Outings (to the theater, museum, park, swimming pool, etc.) are an integral part of Tutti Frutti’s educational project. Learning takes place both inside and outside the company.

  • Multidisciplinary approach, through experimentation : The variety of activities offers a diversity of disciplines within a single course; these different disciplines in turn help to develop a deeper knowledge of a subject. What’s more, exploration and experimentation will enable students to enter the world of abstract knowledge at their own pace.

  • Explicit and implicit learning: Naturally, bilingual teaching includes explicit lessons in reading, writing and logical-mathematical skills. Alongside this approach, we also (mainly) emphasize implicit educational learning: during a cooking workshop, children learn to read a recipe, count and weigh ingredients… This active pedagogical approach is supported by a team that ensures that each child flourishes.

  • Multi-sensory approach : Children become aware of their surroundings thanks to the different senses awakened during educational activities. We pay particular attention to the contact with nature.

Bilingual primary school
  • Curiosity and enthusiasm: We stimulate children’s curiosity, which is an essential fuel for learning. This curiosity is fuelled by the enthusiasm of teachers to pass on their knowledge.

  • Creativity : The joy of creating is enhanced through activities such as painting, drawing, crafts, gardening, music, cooking… In our bilingual teaching, children explore, invent, discover and, at the same time, develop their self-confidence.

  • Sport, pool and gardening : The motor and psychomotor development of every child is paramount. Every week, their schooling is extended through sports activities. They take part in physical education workshops, go swimming, practice yoga…

  • Differentiated teaching and inclusion : Our pedagogy is also differentiated; we take into account children’s different rhythms and different types of intelligence. We also welcome children with special needs. In this case, we would like to meet the parents before enrolling and receive a medical assessment. It is important to assess together whether the educational team is able to welcome/accompany the child, and whether additional external help is needed. Any meeting with a specialist (speech therapist, psychologist…) is highly appreciated.

  • Autonomy : We emphasize children’s autonomy, as this enables them to gradually become the subject of their own learning. It starts with practical tasks (tidying up the classroom, helping out at mealtimes, learning to be responsible for one’s own belongings and school equipment…) and then develops an inner journey of asking questions, exploring the world around them, developing a critical mind… understanding that learning is an extraordinary gift that they give themselves.

Life is good in primary school

Tutti Frutti est une école primaire bilingue située à Uccle.
Bilingual primary school
Teacher at the bilingual primary school
Tutti Frutti école bilingue Bruxelles
Bilingual primary school
Clay exploration
class blackboard language teacher uccle
écriture lecture enfants école privé uccle

” Reading is the bane of childhood and almost the only occupation we know how to give it (…) A child is not very curious about perfecting the instrument with which he is tormented; but make this instrument serve his pleasures and soon he will apply himself to it in spite of you “.


The teaching team

Diversity is life. This is why the profiles of our teachers and their nationalities are extremely varied: primary and secondary school teachers, artistic, scientific, sports and literary profiles. All of these skills are honored, feed the different activities, nourish the project and therefore help the children to blossom.

Creativity, passion and rigor are the hallmarks of our teaching team. We’re convinced that it’s essential for children to have several perspectives on their learning paths. As a result, several teachers are responsible for one class. The entire team has been trained by Tutti Frutti. Our teachers are qualified and/or university graduates.


Upcoming information session dates

Our partners 

Bilingual primary school

Our warmest thanks to Flic Flac Dance for the use of their premises.

Tutti Frutti students can enjoy yoga classes in an ideal setting.

What is Tutti Frutti?

Bilingual kindergarten

Bilingual primary school




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